Class Etiquette

  • • To receive maximum benefits, yoga should be practiced daily or a minimum of three times per week.

  • • Please honor the start time of each class and arrive early enough to sign in and get settled. If you do arrive late please wait outside of the studio until the end of meditation/centering.

  • • Drink plenty of water before and after, but not during class. It is best to avoid eating two hours before practice.

  • • Wear comfortable, non restrictive clothing for maximum movement and flexibility.

  • • Please refrain from wearing strong perfume or cologne to class.

  • • Please turn off cell phones.

  • • We practice bare foot on a “sticky” mat. Please bring a towel if needed.

  • •Please notify the instructor at the beginning of class of any health conditions, injuries, or pregnancy, as alternate postures may be recommended.

  • • Please make room for others if the room fills up. An appropriate amount of space between each mat is 1 foot.

  • • Please talk in a whisper only if needed in the studio. Some people may enjoy coming to class early to meditate and after class to continue to be in the space the class has provided.

  • • We pay by the honor system. Please remember to do your part.

Q & A

What is Yoga?

Originating in India, yoga is a psycho-physical discipline with roots going back about 5,000 years. Today, most yoga practices in the West focuses on the physical postures called “asanas,” breathing exercises called “pranayama,” and meditation. However, there’s more to it than that, and the deeper you go the richer and more diverse the tradition becomes. The word “yoga” means union. Linguistically, it is related to the Old English “yoke.” Traditionally, the goal of yoga is union with the Absolute, known as Brahman, or with Atman, the true self. These days the focus is often on the more down-to-earth benefits of yoga, including improved physical fitness, mental clarity, greater self-understanding, stress control and general well-being. Spirituality however, is a strong underlying theme to most practices. The beauty of yoga is in its versatility, allowing practitioners to focus on the physical, psychological or spiritual, or a combination of all three.

What do I bring/wear to yoga?

Personal sticky mats are available for purchase, bring your own, or you are invited to borrow a yoga mat at your own risk. If you commit to yoga, we recommend purchasing your own mat for hygienic reasons. Wear Comfortable, fitted clothing and no shoes or socks are required. Yoga is best practiced with an empty stomach and bladder. Feel free to bring water to class, however, it is best to drink it afterwards.

How shall I prepare for yoga class?

In consideration of students with fragrance sensitivities, please refrain from wearing perfume. Please also come to the studio having washed after previous athletic activities that would cause strong body odors. We also recommend washing yoga mats often to prevent odors coming from the mats. Come with an open mind to new possibilities. Please let your instructor know of any injuries or major body issues you have or have had.

What are some benefits of yoga?

People have received many benefits from yoga such as: Improved Flexibility, Strength and balance, Reduced stress, Increased relaxation, Improved sleep, Relief from Neck, Joint and Back pain. Students are encouraged to take what they learn in class with them into their daily lives. Yoga offers the blessings of learning to live calmly with and open mind and forgiving self. Please join us in class and feel free to call and ask what class is appropriate for you.

Is yoga a religion?

Yoga is Hindu in origin but ecumenical in nature. It is not a religion; it is a philosophy clearly premised in moral and spiritual principles. Whether you do yoga for physical, emotional, or spiritual reasons, yoga has a trans-formative effect on your overall health and vitality, your awareness of self and others, and your capacity for integrity and compassion.

Are there any other teachings you promote?

We promote peace in each individual. We believe peace begins within each of us, by awareness of our connection to all other beings in the sharing of life. So we promote Green Living, embracing Fair Trade practices, Earth-friendly Sustainability and conscious consumerism for the benefits of all people, wildlife and our planet.

What are the class levels?

Gentle Yoga is a great starting point for beginners or students with limitations. Level 1 Yoga can also be a starting class for students who are already in good health. Level 2 Yoga is designed for yoga students who have a large range of motions in their bodies and are bringing their practice to a new level. Call us if you will like some assistance in discovering your first class with us.

What type of yoga do you teach?

At BMe Yoga, we teach Alignment Based Yoga, a form of Hatha Yoga, which simply means the practice of asanas, aka poses. Rachel focuses on alignment of the anatomy to heal bodily injuries as well as prevent. She will never ask you to just “take it easy” or “do nothing” if something hurts. She will explore the root cause of the pain and make educated suggestions to gain something out of every practice. She will also be clear if she isn’t able to assist. She has studied Ashtanga, Inyengar, Vinyasa, Bikram, Anusara and Bow Spring. The ultimate goal in each of her clients body’s is to experience freedom to move with ease and age.